Snowflake (noun): A highly fragile individual prone to emotional overreaction and a pathological need for validation. Much like their frozen namesake, snowflakes are delicate, unique, and tend to melt at the first sign of heat—be it from dissenting opinions, factual challenges, or the mere suggestion of compromise.
Contrary to popular belief, snowflakes can appear on any side of the political spectrum. While some are easily triggered by progressive ideals, others shatter at the thought of outdated traditions or differing viewpoints. Common behavioral traits include righteous indignation, performative outrage, and an insatiable appetite for echo chambers where their grievances are nurtured and praised.
Experts warn that prolonged exposure to opposing views can result in dramatic meltdowns, complete with social media storms.
Synonyms: Meltdown merchant, Outrage aficionado, Flurry fanatic
Antonym: Thick-skinned realist