The Characters

Sam Altman

Leader of Open AI and head of the Secret Committee for World Domination. Dangerous, egotistical, misogynistic, cruel, deviant and really wants to rule the world. Won a power struggle for control of OpenAI in 2023 overcoming his dismissal at the hands of independent directors Helen Toner and Tasha McCauley, for “concealing information and not being consistently candid in his communications”, and has consolidated his power with the help of Nadella at Microsoft. OpenAI has developed ChatGPT  without any safeguarding measures in respect of the technology used. Altman manipulates other tech leaders in the AI space to do his will. “ It is important that you distort reality for others but not yourself.” He is also deeply weird: started a crypto project named Worldcoin, that scanned people’s eyeballs to collect personal data, in return for a crypto token payment.

Satya Nadella

Chief executive of Microsoft which has invested $10 billion in Open AI. Does what he is told by Altman. Complicit, with Altman, in throwing out the OpenAI safeguarding directors, namely Helen Toner and Tasha McCauley. Greedy and only interested in profit.

Sundar Pichai

Chief executive of Google. Google bought Deep Mind, now run by Demis Hassabis, see below. Pichai has been sidelined by Hassabis who is now in control of all AI products within Google, and Hassabis has been tasked only with making profit. Google has avoided any commitment to safeguarding and has put aside the previous “Ethics council” concept and more recently neutered its internal safeguarding unit. Google, under Pichai is something of a woke commune where the workforce has dictated strategic moves to Pichai. The “Wokies” are behind the chatbot Google Gemini which decided to make famous white historical figures people of colour and is programmed only to give woke ( and often blatantly untrue) answers to prompts.

Demis Hassabis

Co-founder and CEO of Deep Mind, bought by Google in 2014. His job is to turn Google’s AI developments into profits for Google. He has dispensed with any pretence that Google or Deep Mind have any interest in the greater benefit of AI to society in general and has decommissioned any internal safeguarding controls

Tim Cook

Chief executive of Apple; ruthless and humourless and thinks Apple products are superior to human beings . Looking to integrate AI into I phones via Siri. Has chosen OpenAI for this in an opaque deal and Apple has now become a shadow director of AI.

Elon Musk

Serial entrepreneur famously associated with Tesla and SpaceX. An initial investor in OpenAI but fell out with Altman over aims of Open AI.  Musk envisaged OenAI as a  non profit company to save the world from a dystopian future, Open AI is now a profit centred and uncontrolled entity in league with other tech companies for global domination.

Musk Has started xAI whose “mission is to understand the meaning of the universe” He has also started chatbot Grok which is apparently maximum truth seeking” as opposed to the politically correct ChatGPT and the ludicrously woke Google Gemini.

Has been excluded by Altman from his secret council to control the world.

Ilya Sutskever

Co-founder of Open AI. Sided with  OpenAI directors Helen Toner and Tasha McCauley when they instigated the temporary removal of Altman from Open AI in 2023. Has now left OpenAI to found “Safe Superintelligence”

Jensen Huang

Chief Executive of Nvidia, which has virtual monopoly of the chips used in large language models and whose profitability has surged as big Tech companies fight for supply. The big Tech companies are dependent on Nvidia.  Huang keeps on coming up with new and faster products which makes competing with Nvidia difficult. The companies resent their dependence and are looking for other avenues of supply. In particular, Altman has demanded trillions of dollars to boost the world’s supply of computer chips in answer to this dependence so long as he controls this new supply.